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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed


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Developing your Purpose

What does it mean to say that we need a Purpose in life? The Japanese refer to Purpose as “Ikigai”. The strict translation is Life’s Worth. Dig deeper and what it really means is, the reason for waking up in the morning. So what is the definition of Purpose. “A personal purpose statement defines what you want to accomplish in life. It gives you direction to accomplish what's important to you… as it reflects what you stand for, your goals and core values. A personal purpose statement requires you to focus on your values, beliefs, goals, and purpose in life. You'll have to think about what's really important to you… not someone else. It's a self-discovery process. It helps you realize who you are.” Sarah Kristenson
Do you have your own Purpose statement?

The need for a Purpose statement

Here are 4 reasons why our own personal Purpose statement can be helpful:

  • It defines who we are, our values, and our ambitions in life.
  • It helps us focus.
  • It simplifies our decision-making process.
  • It makes us accountable.

If you are not sure how to create your own personal Purpose statement, here is a framework to help you get going.

First, list your core values. Limit it to five core values that you feel reflect you. List what you are passionate about; what you enjoy. Write down what you would like to achieve in life. Make it realistic.

Once you have done this, start drafting a Purpose statement. You are unlikely to get it right the first time but keep working on it. Make your statement affirmative. If you get stuck, ask yourself this one question: What is the one thing you can do which will make you forget your worries?

Here are some examples.

  • My purpose is to be the best version of myself daily. I will be calm under pressure; I will follow my core values; I will show respect and humility.
  • My purpose in life is to bring joy with my music and singing.
  • My purpose in life is to continually grow and develop my capabilities. I will lead by example and treat others the way I wish to be treated.
  • My purpose is to optimize my talents (whatever they may be) so that I can focus on what I am good at.
  • My purpose in life is to be a good spouse and parent and to work the best I can so that I can provide security to my family.
  • My purpose in life is to stand up for what is right. This means standing up for those who may be disadvantaged or are in the minority.
  • My purpose in life is always to give 100% to whatever job or task I am asked to do. I will stay away from gossip.

Identifying your core values

What are core values?

Core values are traits or qualities that are not just worthwhile, they represent an individual's or an organization's highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and core, fundamental driving forces. One way of identifying your core values is to take this survey on this website:


Character strengths is a concept developed by the late Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman. Character strengths are qualities that we value in ourselves, our friends, our children, our colleagues, and our leaders. According to Peterson and Seligman, we all have these character strengths but which ones are core vary. They identify the top five as Signature strengths. For signature strengths, read core values. Take the survey, it is free, and identify your Signature Strengths.